Autumn in Slovenia
Frankly, the winter Central Europe Convention was not very well organised. *Sorry guys… If you see this…* I was expecting something more serious, but apparently not, it was merely a social event.
Well… there are some workshops. However, could that be classified as workshop? It was more a discussion group and experience sharing session. *Probably it was different in other groups, but mine was… Ahem…* Facilitator only did an ok job in managing and leading the discussions.
After splitting to smaller groups, my team was very enthusiastic in the discussion and came out with great points after sufficient debates and thinking. When we were asked to present, we were merely requested, “Can you put in one word?” *That pretty much said a lot…* I replied with a mono tone, “Unless further explanations are attached, it will be too shallow to put everything in one word.” Basically, our comments were ignored in the end and I couldn’t be bothered to involve in the following session. *I was sketching some funny stuff on the paper… while the facilitator was into her flower and pie building… Trust me, you don’t wanna know…* I guess my group took her too serious and was too much for her. Everything was and intended to be done on a very surface level. *While... u could also say I was harsh or what... Doesn't bother me...*
The night parties were nice. The first night was usual like, while the second night had an international flavour. *Will skip the first night, nothing much to say… Hmmm… yes the music was bad most of the time, but the company was great~*
On the second night, delegates were asked to bring local specialties from their region. Knowing Europeans for quite sometime now that basically means bring all your local wines, beers and schnapps, the amount of alcohol would sure to KO Mr. Kidney. Sticking to my no alcohol policy, *… with font 3 by laws, ‘…with the exception of wine’* I had some wine, other than that, just juice and water~ *the dining hall was full of stoned zombie the next day… ermmm… some were still in bed * Also, foods like dips, cheese, bacon, sausages, pancakes, pastries, chocolate… were available. I have to said my favourites were the pumpkin seed oil stirred fried with shredded onions and eggs from GRAZ~ and the Swiss smoked salmon role. I wasn’t at the dance hall most of the time, I was chatting on a comparatively quieter area with some guys from Slovakia and America. *Again I stressed my total dislike on Bush administration, but hey~ nice conversation with another American~*
My bed was calling me and with my eyes lip half closed, I didn’t stay late for both nights. By 12 midnight, I was already on bed, reading the Paris guide and slept roughly an hour later. Also, I was suffering from starvation during the convention. It wasn’t the shortage of food, it was the timing… I had to wait 3 hours more than usual for the meal. My stomach was groaning like hell, if there were McDonald or whatever around, I would have hell care to wait and went to get some food. *I am Mr No McDonald and I was desperate enough to go for McDonald… I hate to be hungry… sob… sob… sob…* I just wanna take some rest. Alright, it is fair to say that I was anti social as well.

Regardless my mixed feelings toward the convention, I was happy to be in Slovenia. I met some friends, who I hadn’t seen for sometime, *kisses and hugs as usual* just felt great seeing the gals again. Then, we spent sometime in the national park near Kranjska Gora and the beautiful lake city, Bled. *I will let the photo says it beauty~*
Some things I have to mention about Bled are their wedding tradition and a dessert.
Newly wedded couple will take the wooden boat across the lake, to the island that situated in the middle of the lake. From the dock, there will be a 100-step-stoned staircase lead to the church. The groom will carry his bride with his hands and walk up the hill, to the church. By the church, there will find a robe, which they can use to sound the church bell for good wishes and luck for their marriage. So sweet~~ *… Hmmm… where is boy…* But again, if the groom is half the weight of the bride, then dead mannnn… the groom is gonna get crushed. *Hahahahahaha~~*
The, it was this cream cake. Fantastic!!! It might not look as great, but the taste was wonderful. One layer of crunch pastry with sparkled sugar powder, one layer of light cream and one layer of vanilla pudding… No too sweet nor oily, so tempting~
Anyway, I am thankful to be there~

The photos can be much better, just that the weather was quite bad. Ocassional rain, foggy and cloudy. Also, the timing was bad as well.
The best views were always at the side where the sun was, no good picture for photo taken facing the sun.... while sometimes, depending on the feeling I want to articulate... *smile*
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