Saturday, January 20, 2007


It is almost 20 days since I came back. The thing about being back home is that you can be as lazy as you want and no one will grumble. *Ermmmm... At least not at the moment.* This is an absolute good reason for not updating my blog. *While... The switching between the new and old version of the blogger system was a pain*

In the new year, I decided to give my blog a new theme, "What now..." Simply because I have no idea what will really happen this year and there will be a lot of uncertainties. Two more reports and a presentation, I will complete my master program. The plan is to be back to Singapore and work for couple of years before going back to Melbourne. Why? (1.) To spend some time with my parents (2.) A better starting work place for my study field (3.) It will be you~ *So... Have you figured out who you are?* I hope all these will work out. At this stage, I just have to believe it will work out *Crossed fingers* So I guess, "What now..." not only describe the simple yet complicated situation and also the feeling of walking on an unclear gloomy path. *Again, crossed fingers*

In the past few weeks, I have basically spent time with my family, catching up with friends *Starting to sweat... Still have a long list to go...* and reading books. Other than that, few things happened. I got scolded CB, as my dear lovely Racheal was dissapointed that I moved out from Melbourne CBD... we surprised Julian with a birthday celebration... Felicia is having her wedding banquet like now and she will for sure look great in her Nyonya dress... Celebrated Pin's birthday with a birthday song in car and he got a new mobile... *Smile* I ended with boy and he still think that it is my fault that everything ended up this way... Spending more time with fox and hope things will work out... *If he want so...* And... Cannot remember. *Smile* Oh ya, a new 8G ipod nano from mummy~

Dear folks, I am kicking my arse to blog now. So, don't nag... Actually I do love it, at least that tells me, someone is actually reading my stuff~ *Smile*

Monday, January 01, 2007

Good morning 2007 and goodbye 2006

As the fireworks shooting high up in the sky, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1~ Happy New Year! Everyone in the room gave one another a warm hug and greeted with wishful words. Then, there was champagne with berry liquor and Prost for a good year.

Good morning 2007 and goodbye 2006. I was leaving in less than 24 hours... So unbearable and I didn't feel like leaving. Yet, I had to leave. Before I stepped out from the door, Fiona gave me a warn hug with kisses and she said, "I am very happy to know you". Then, another hug. I was with no words, sadness in heart...

Headed down the staircase with Zi Jing, Stefan and their two kids, reached their car. Zi Jing walked me to the corner of the street. We chatted. Again, we hugged with kisses, no tears. I said, "leave with no tears, yet a big bright smile, so that we will meet one day..." and I walked back to where Stefan was. We had some words. Then, I walked back without turning my head back anymore.

When I got back. Lao Pan Niang was drunk *I guess she had couple more glasses of wine than usual...* and was sleeping on the couch. Yu Dong and Yu Xing were talking and drawing at the same time. I joined in and started to draw as well... We had champagne. The time tickled and soon it was morning. The first sun light of 2007 beamed through the chilly cloudy sky and I started to do some last minute packing. When time up, Lao Pan Niang drove me down to Vienna International Airport

We had some tea... Before I headed to the gate, I gave her a tight hug and said, "Thank you!" repeatedly. Waving goodbye, I walked toward the custom... My Europe trip ended on this day... For the moment... ... ... ... ... ...

Good year ahead and happy new year folks!