When you were before twenties, you thought time moved so slow, everyday, every hour, minute and second seemed so stagnant. The daily routine of studying, studying and studying were torturing. Looking at the watch every 5 seconds and hoping the class finished soon, was painful. Especially on a typical hot and humid day, when the Ms, Mr, Mrs, Madam, Sir were teaching in a tone that hypnotised, it was a struggle. Then the everyday practise of copy technique early in the morning… While of course, it wasn’t all bad, it was just that you constantly aware of how slow the time passed. Sometimes, you tend to waste your time aimlessly.
After twenties, time flew in a light speed. I had stayed in Melbourne for almost seven years, got my Australia permanent residency, finished my communication engineering degree, ended my 4 years of student politics, had done tons of backpacking, have a huge crush that I hardly gone over after two years, suffered from a down down down moment for six months, have known Winnie and Fanny for 7 years, mum and dad bought a new place, just two houses down where we used to stay, Chung just moved in to his new home in Melbourne, Pin started his bachelor in Melbourne Uni, Rhavy is getting married in Mauritius and I will be there, *He just sent me an urgent email requesting for my mobile number, I hope nothing bad …* Chai went back to Singapore, Caleb moved to Sydney, Alex just got married in Macau, visited mum’s eldest sister after 6 years, grandma passed away, Anne just met a new guy *Heheheheehehe~~ introduce me when I get back.*, Christine had moved to Adelaide to stay with Sky, Ling had a bad broke up and ended a 5-year-relationship, Pauline came back from England and began her work in Malaysia, Jane went back to Thailand for good, Eric had survived two business trips to Iran, Yong got his dream job and I had been in Austria for two months… Now saying goodbye to Metahof I, where I have worked for two months, is a bit sad… Later, I will be in Vienna for the weekend. Time passed by again just when I am typing, you hardly have enough time to do all the things you want.
Probably I should learn from Philip Chester as he said, “Know the true value of time! Snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no procrastination. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Is a bit hard though…
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