Repeatedly wiping off the sweat on my forehead and fanning myself with my only available hand, we finally settled in the cabin. We were fortunate to catch the train on time, or else it will be another 2-hour wait. For the next two and a half hour, we would be on the train till we arrived. We were going to spend the weekend at the Schladminger of Niedere Tauern region, hiking through the woods to the peak of Greifenberg, 2618m above sea level. While chatting on the train, killing some time, there was something good to know. Without a Mountain Union Member Card, the emergency helicopter service costs a bomb. If I somehow, someday and somewhere, so shit that fell into a deep valley and couldn’t get out, I would make sure that I was hurt badly by accident and the pilot saw it. If I wasn’t, I would need to fork up 20,000 Euros… Thanks to some stupid tourists who lack of common sense and tactlessly put themselves in risk…
The waterfall below the hanging bridge
Natasha, Elina and Johannes on the hanging bridge (Left to right)
Continued our journey up the staircases
Soon, we arrived at the bottom of the mountains. From there, our journey started. As we proceed further, I was not only attracted by the densely wooded mountain, but also the waterfalls and the scenery when I turned. Many times, we would stop for few seconds to enjoy the view and take some photos. As we hiked further into the mountain range, the view just became better and better. Passing by the waterfall, over the gorge, crossing the rivers… The thought of seeing a lake in the mountain in real life was exciting and in fact, it was stunning. Far on the other side of the hill, I could see the sights of the lake, our first lake encounter. The water was calm and peaceful. With the weather being nice at that instance, reflection of the mountain range on the lake surface was picturesque. Everyone couldn’t wait to get to the lake. They took a shortcut instead. Also, we decided to stop by the lake for the afternoon, had some food and a good swim. Quickly, I left my backpack down, took off my shirt and jeans, wore my one and only swimming trunks and headed to the lake. The very moment when my toes touched the water, yikes! I was kind of regret. The water was extremely chilly and icy. I could feel the cold through my flesh and my bone was shivering. Not wanting to spoil the mood, I dived in the lake within seconds and something unexpected happened. Something bad... My glasses fell off!!!!! *Great…* Searching desperately in the lake with my legs, unfortunately it was still no where to be found. After much struggle, we decided to look for it later, when the lake became clearer at that time. Shitly, the rain started just when I was about to go for another try and we had to leave *Sigh… Tough luck and I only had my Oakley glasses for less than 5 months… Shit!!* However after some 15 minutes walk, Johannes offered to make a last attempt and Elina had volunteered too. So, we went back to the lake.… Although, I didn’t find my glasses in the end, I really appreciate their effort. *thanks people~~ I felt bad for Johannes later in the evening as he was feeling unwell since then...* As the sun gradually set and disappeared behind the mountains, we arrived at the cottage. My glasses… Bit by bit, I accepted that my spectacle was gone forever and the look from the people at the cottage diverted my attention… I guess it was either the fact that I, a Chinese in an Austrian mountain, something new or simply because I was wearing a swimming trunk. It was more likely the later one… The rain came so sudden and I didn’t have the time to change. Moreover, I was completely wet at that time and it made no sense for me to wear something new. While it didn’t bother me as much as I was too hungry by then. Settled down in the cottage, I quickly sat down and ordered some food. Later in the night, I didn’t sleep well. I was cautious that my OCCASIONAL snoring disturbed the others *I did snore after all, but I wasn’t the only one…* and another reason was the room became so stuffy and hot in the night, I hardly can breathe.
Not having any decent sleep, the alarm soon rang. Everyone woke up and got ready for the early morning hike. As we followed the path up, it became steeper and colder. *… I was only wearing a T shirt and short…* We came across unmelted snows and cold lakes. Surprisingly, some goats and cows too. Although it was quite tiring, at least the scenic surrounding paid off and I was still feeling mentally alright. Not till we got closer to the peak, where soil path little by little replaced by a stony and rocky path. The thought of I might die here did come to my mind occasionally and looking at the piled up stones *It was more or less a tomb of those who had died here…*, I started to worry. Especially when some loosen rocks rolled down the mountain. I prayed with my hands uptight and chanted Amitābha in heart. Not only showing my respects to those that had lost their life, I was also praying for a safe trip back to Graz. Fortunately, we arrived at the peak unharmed. After some rest on the peak, some water, some photos and signed on the book, we began to trek down the mountain. Relatively to coming up, I enjoyed the going down part. It was less tiring and it was faster, my heart wasn’t beating as fast and bad as before. Although I fell down twice, hurt my knees and twisted my ankles, I was grateful that I am still in one piece *the note I left on the book works~* Another reason that motivated me in rambling down, was probably because of food. I was thinking about the food that I could eat when we reached the cottage in the middle of the mountain. Ironically, I found out that I was left with little money only enough for soup. *Damn! I should have withdrawn more money* Regardless, the soup was good enough to warm my body. After an hour break at the cottage, we swiftly trekked down the very last part of steeply mountain. Once we saw the road, we would only need to walk. By the time we arrived at Graz, everyone was exhausted. The only things in everyone’s mind were shower and sleep… While me, something more… Food!
Continued our journey on the 2nd day
Quick snap shot of me, Eva and Boris (Left to right)
Quick snap shot of Johannes, Karin, Natasha and Elina (Left to right)
Few hundred meters more in latitude, to the peak
More lakes as we were heading the top
Sheeps by the mountain range
Sheeps running away from us
Unmelted snow during summer
More unmelted snow...
Again, more unmelted snow...
Last break by the lake before approaching the peak
Me on the large rock
Birdeye view from the peak
Birdeye view from the top
Group photo on the top of Greifenberg
Stamp on hand = I had been the top
Coming down the steep mountain
Mountain shot when rumbling down
Waterfall by a pool of pinkish purple flower

Not having any decent sleep, the alarm soon rang. Everyone woke up and got ready for the early morning hike. As we followed the path up, it became steeper and colder. *… I was only wearing a T shirt and short…* We came across unmelted snows and cold lakes. Surprisingly, some goats and cows too. Although it was quite tiring, at least the scenic surrounding paid off and I was still feeling mentally alright. Not till we got closer to the peak, where soil path little by little replaced by a stony and rocky path. The thought of I might die here did come to my mind occasionally and looking at the piled up stones *It was more or less a tomb of those who had died here…*, I started to worry. Especially when some loosen rocks rolled down the mountain. I prayed with my hands uptight and chanted Amitābha in heart. Not only showing my respects to those that had lost their life, I was also praying for a safe trip back to Graz. Fortunately, we arrived at the peak unharmed. After some rest on the peak, some water, some photos and signed on the book, we began to trek down the mountain. Relatively to coming up, I enjoyed the going down part. It was less tiring and it was faster, my heart wasn’t beating as fast and bad as before. Although I fell down twice, hurt my knees and twisted my ankles, I was grateful that I am still in one piece *the note I left on the book works~* Another reason that motivated me in rambling down, was probably because of food. I was thinking about the food that I could eat when we reached the cottage in the middle of the mountain. Ironically, I found out that I was left with little money only enough for soup. *Damn! I should have withdrawn more money* Regardless, the soup was good enough to warm my body. After an hour break at the cottage, we swiftly trekked down the very last part of steeply mountain. Once we saw the road, we would only need to walk. By the time we arrived at Graz, everyone was exhausted. The only things in everyone’s mind were shower and sleep… While me, something more… Food!

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