Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Heading to Prague

Train journey can either be fantastic or dreadful, depending on circumstances. For the past few trips, it had been bad. I guess the lack of sleep, constant transiting and rushing were mainly the reasons. After few nights of good sleep *Nothing much to do, as no shops were opened for 24th, 25th and 26th...* I was in a good mood, ready for the my trip to Prague.

Hopping on the train 10 minutes earlier, I took my time to choose a comfortable seat by the window and started to idle. Not before long, the train departed Graz. As compared to previous years, Graz was warmer and no snow to be seen even during the festive season. In a way, I was quite disappointed. I was hopping for a snowy Christmas and it failed. Somehow, my train journey comforted me slightly.

The train went around the mountains, passed through the valleys and went through the tunnels. Every time when the train came out from the tunnel, it was a different scenery. Once, it was the snow covering the wide grass field and I could see people gliding down the hills. Suddenly, the snow was no where to be seen. Then, there was thick fog around the valley, which peaks were not able to be seen and snow holding still to the branches. Just when I thought this was it, the fog was gone and the sun came out, while setting down west. The bluish, reddish velvet sky was like a postcard. The views just switched so unexpectedly.

As the night coming darker, I went for a snooze. All of a sudden, a gal and a guy dropped in my cabin. They came in and initiated a conversation out of the blue. I was surprised and did wonder whether it was a con. Later, it turned out to be such a great accompany. I joined their mates in another cabin. We talked a lot of stuffs, from traveling to studies, politics, philosophy, cultures, languages... till singing national anthems, folk songs and pop musics... sharing foods... Then to the events that the gals started to hit on some soldiers and a fellow who looked like Jesus the Christ. *smile* It was great fun.

All good time passed quick and when I checked for the time, we were already in Prague. The first impression, Prague is clean, clean and clean. From the main train station till the metro and on the streets heading to the hostel, it is noticeably clean. So far, everything has been nice, no hiccups, the receptionists have been friendly and I guess this will be a wonderful trip. *crossed fingers*

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