A little bit of this and that in Venice
Not knowing a single thing about Venice, *While I do know it is sinking and gonna be another Atlantis soon...* I bought a cheap ticket and headed straight down south to Italy. It was only 4 days since I flew back from Glasgow, I was still yet to recover. *I am becoming a Chinese national treasure ----> Panda~* Sitting on the train for seven hours and only had 4 hours sleep before that, my brain was hardly functioning. The lucky thing was nothing bad happened.
When I finally arrived at the main train station, I swiftly headed toward the hotel and checked in. *Hehehe~ It was only a one star hotel and was really cheap $18 Euro a night. What a bargain~* The receptionist was good enough to give me some advises and helped me to arrange my accommodation in Florence. Once everything settled, I took the bus to Venice island. It would be a waste if I went to bed then.
Venice island wasn't really big. Roughly half a day was more than enough to walk around the Island and was pretty easy to get around. One would hardly lost one's way, as the island would be packed with tourists, like me, even during the winter. The drizzling rain and cloudy weather weren't stopping anyone to this super touristy island. Thus, as long as you are with the crowd, you will be doing fine.

Walking along the lanes and by the canals, there were typical things one would notice.
Firstly, there would always be huge bunch of people dragging their luggage while doing sight seeing. They would be using a luggage with attached trolleys. The sound, "grong... grooongg... groooooooooonggggg..." Never seemed to stop.
Secondly, things are exceptionally ex ex ex ex ex ex expensive, nothing was cheap. I made a mistake when buying a pastry. I did not notice the damn chocolate pastry was sold based on weight not quantity and ended up paying at least four times more expensive than usual. The toilet was five time more expensive and with that price I could buy at least 3 liter of mineral water... Cash seemed to drain out so fast, in a way, I did not seem to understand.
Thirdly, there was hardly any night live on this island *More or less... Wait till I post the evidence and you will know the was-told-most-vibrant night life square...* and everything closed at 8:00pm.
Fourthly, there was Bata on the Island. Not one, but at least two branches that I had since saw. Mannn... I really did not know anything about this. All my life, I had thought Bata was a Malaysian brand and always had this impression of it closing down anytime. Hell... One of the last thing I would have expected to see here.
Frankly speaking, Venice did not impress me as much as I would have anticipated. Well... The churches were marvelous, but there are tons of churches across Europe that are nicer and bigger. Hmmm... The shopping street was nice and I was so tempted to buy a bag, *Sigh... I didn't have enough cash with me... Cry...* but there are for sure better place to do such thing... Errmmm... I guess the last one would be romantic and hell care when I was travelling by myself. *smile~* Oh ya, Venice has tons of canal and boats.
Talking about boats, a tip for future traveler. I would suggest only to buy the 24 hour ticket if you are planning to visit the islands surrounding Venice island. Don't bother to buy it, if you only plan to stay on the Venice island. Unless, you are too lazy to walk. So far, I only been to 3 islands. Burano, a place full of vibrant color houses and nothing else. Murano, a place full of ridiculously expensive glass wares and houses almost looked like collapsing anytime. Cemetri, a fortress island full of dead men in grave, six feet under.
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