Wednesday, May 17, 2006

JB's public security is FUCKED UP!!!

Just when I was about to sleep, mum called. She had informed VISA that I will be paying my ticket to Mauritius. Thus, I can pay by credit card in the next few days... Through the conversation, mum mentioned something about her mobile being robbed. Later, I found out from dad that both of them and aunty Penny were robbed few days back! That day, they drove to Permas Jaya to pay for the flooring. Once, my dad stepped in the shop, few guys came in with pistols and blades. They yelled and warned everyone in the shop to hand in their possessions. Although my parents and aunt lost quite a lot... like roughly RM$10,000, the lucky thing was that they weren't hurt. I think the flooring company lost... bah... shit lot.

I cursed you all! You bloody mashed shit robbers!! You will all be skinned and burnt to death with thousands of blades cut through your body!!! You will all die after 365 days of suffering, wih your coarpse exposed to the wild and rotted!!!! I sincerely pray for my sin of condemnation...

For the past few years, the public security in JB has dropped enormously. No kidding! When I was back in Malaysia, I often overheard about people talking about recent scandals, robberies, murders, rapes... If one pay attention to the newspaper, there will always be sections DEDICATED to such incidents. Sadly, this is only a tip of the iceberg. Many of them were not revealed to the public and my family case was one of them. Many times, I tried to convince myself that it is only minor and the country is still secure in general. Slowly, I became numb to the news. In my mind then, "Was just another case..." The recent incident happened to my family alarmed me and something is seriously wrong here. Although it has not reached the stage of riot, it is definitely fucked up!

Still remember some cabinet members making a comment about public secuity few months ago, "Don't over report! It will give the tourists a wrong impression and damage our tourism industry..." I have no choice but to give him boos out loud, "SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME ON YOU!!" all in caps. Rather than making such useless comments, why not fix the problem! Where is the police??!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't you see we need some help???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Angry said...

*Huey looks at the packet of economy rice she bought for lunch*

*Huey looks at the melv's blog pic of food*

*Huey looks back at own rice again*

YOU JERK! LOOK AT WHAT YOU"VE DONE TO ME!!! You just made my life damn bloody sad!

Eh, there are riots in KL le. But almost the whole nation doesn't know coz it's not reported in any news except ChannelNewsAsia. You know la, with the rising in price, bloh blah blah. Who won't go on strike? Yeah, i'm numbed by the crime stories already. Initially i was so paranoid. I still am la. A little bit :)

Mel said...

Not surprised that it happened. The way how government controls media in a tiny puny nut shell is the distorted version of Malaysia Boleh. The living expense has gradually increased, but not our salary. To worsen the situation, we have to suffer and pay for the screwed ups in the east, west, north and SOUTH! sob sob sob...

While for the food... Huey, my lunch normally sucks as well! The one that I had two days ago was only spaghetti with pumpkin seed oil and some herbs on it, but was cheap...