Monday, December 31, 2007

An uncertain 2007, yet a wonderful 2007!

31st December 2007 marks the very last day of 2007, has it been a good or bad? Simply splitting it like black and white is pointless, as the rainbow between the two sides shines our life and blesses us with meanings. That is what I think…

Last year on the very same day, writing a summary for the year, I said it had been a wonderful 2006 and an uncertain 2007 would come. Indeed, it was.

With my journey in Europe ended on the very first day of 2007, I knew that my phase of study was coming to an end very soon. It was about the time to get really serious about throwing in applications. The only problem then was I didn’t know where I would want to be. I wished to work in Australia, but my industry was very minor there. I wished to work in Singapore, but I did not have the status to apply for a decent job. I did know that I wished not to work in Malaysia, but that was the easier option. Nothing was decided and decisions were left unmade.

Bringing an indecisive me back to Melbourne did not help. Only that I started to think even more deeply about the circumstances while completing my master program. Meantime, I had started to put in applications, but only to find my worries reinstated. For a span of two months, there were only less than 10 jobs in the market, which I somehow was eligible to apply for. When I wanted to give up on Australia and just moved somewhere else, my family and friends were the strength of pillar holding me, keeping me here in Melbourne. For that and more than that, I love you all. Your encouragements, even pieces of words meant a lot.

In the midst of all these uncertainties, my heart was broken and I wasn’t happy. All my positive auras were sucked out of me. I felt empty in me. However, I am blessed with family and friends. They have always had faith in me. They stood by me quietly throughout that period, letting my emotional wounds cured by it and worries faded as time passed. Every now and then, they gave some words of wisdom that enlightened me. It took me more than 6 months to mend my shattered heart and now, I can say confidently that I am alright and have already accepted it. Fox and I still remain as friends. *smile*

People I will really want to note among the many are Iris and Eric. Thank you.

This year has been a year full of reflection and growth. I have lived through it with many inner struggles no doubt, yet many beautiful things have happened as 2008 approaches. I met some fantastic people and proud to associate with, I feel blessed. I found someone important in my life, I feel loved. I got a graduate job offer from Telstra, one of the 9 offers in Melbourne among thousand of application, I feel confidence...

I am grateful with my life and... I am starting to talk like a Christian... But I am not! I am still a very Buddhist! *laugh out loud*

An uncertain 2007, yet a wonderful 2007!

Deep in heart I know that my 2008 will be a fantastic one!

I hope that your 2007 will windup in good terms and happy 2008! *Kisses and hugs*




当他会到家,我们就开动了。他很喜欢西式鲜味洋葱汤,但对于我那下了不少功夫能与外面馆子过两手还有余的主菜,只说了,“I like my pasta with more sauce...”。我心一凉,只能是闷上加闷,也没说什么。之后,我催他赶快上楼收拾行李,碗碟让我洗好了。他没怎么理我,就自个儿走到洗盆前,利落的洗起碗碟,笑着说,“You hate washing dishes, I will do it.”。顿时,心情好了一半。


之后,我们也谈不上几句。他忙着整理,严肃间带着疲倦,他也不让我帮忙。我一动手,他就发飙,也落了猛话,“You are not my housewife... Don't treat me like a kid...”。闷了一阵,我按捺不住反了他一句,“If I don't give a fuck care, I will not even be here!”。他愣了一下,突然笑了。我呢?我就静静的伏躺在床上看着他。。。咬牙变拗只在于件微不足道的小事。现在想起,觉得彼此都有点孩子气。

虽然整个晚上有点心闷,但当他坐着巴士离开的时候,心中那股郁闷早已烟消云散,只剩下想着他的那思绪。我看着他在机场发送给我的短讯,“... Don't miss me too much.”,不禁笑了。





如往年般,朋友家都会开派对,决定了去那一家,就开始准备。今年,我和他会到Laney和Anthony的家度圣诞夜。主题,“Everything that is Green, red, white, gold and silver”和私家菜。


时间差不多的时候,我们拿了该拿的,就走去Laney她家。圣诞夜是多么的热闹,派对该有的美味佳肴,玲珑玉露aka一大堆的酒饮,圣诞日倒数,好伴,交换礼物,拉人拍照,Drinking Game等等等,真的好不热闹。再之,看着他满脸我帮他盖的的红色盖章,时而被罚到阳台对外狂吼,时而被罚做奇怪的东东。。。让我笑得肚子疼到不行。但是,让我心甜的是他那不时看着我的眼神。每每让我发现的时候,我会心的一笑,让他有些慌,他会说,“What?”,而我也只是笑着。



Monday, December 24, 2007


懶洋洋的星期天,本應是在家偷閒的大好時刻,但鬧鐘沒到八點就已經唱起孫燕姿的Honey Honey單曲,是時候起身了。我下定決心不再遲到!說真的,大部分的時間都是我等別人,可是呢。。。偏偏前幾次約會,我都遲到了。雖然他嘴上沒提,我知道他不喜歡別人遲到。今天,我下定決心不再遲到!睡意朦朧的爬出房門,是我今早的縮命。




Thursday, December 20, 2007












Tuesday, December 18, 2007






第一次约会,他对之前的讯息来回而让我迟迟未能入眠感到抱歉。他一大清早回到Koko Black买了巧克力送我赔不是。看着他,我还是说声谢加上,“You are forgiven!”。其实,我没生气,他约我,我还觉得蛮开心的。虽然只是件小插曲,他体贴的心意,我感受到了。舒舒服服的坐在旧式皮革大椅,喝着温温的雏菊茶,脸带些许幸福与微笑的闲聊。那是个很悠游夏午,有点忘了时间的夏午。


第二次约会,我迟到了半个小时!都是火车转换跑道。。。都是我多事儿帮助别人。。。我迟到了!我带着些许紧张的心情跑到约会地点。我看到他了。我啊。。。有些失态,有些慌乱,忙着对不起对不起。而他什么也没说,脸带笑容的把一粒青苹果递给我说,“This is for you.”。他就这样安抚了我,一句抱怨的话也没有。那天早上,我带他到South Melbourne一间环境很棒的小店吃早餐,再逛逛临近富有特色的小店画廊。。。我的手靠着他的手,距离逐渐消失,很自然的,很自然的,仿佛我俩之间起了些很微妙的变化。我们就这样过了一个悠游的早上,又忘了时间。




Monday, December 17, 2007


一个很随性的决定,一杯Iced Chocolate和几杯水,我和他悄悄的开始了。只是朋友呢?还是。。。当时的我,想都没想过。

那天晚上,一般老朋友吃了晚饭,想说找个地方聊聊聚聚,说茶不行,喝咖啡又怕睡不着,酒又怕伤身,最后说到巧克力,那些女人二话不多说,减肥体重什么的都抛出脑后,就这样拍板定案。到了那儿,一楼满了,唯有到二楼。光顾了Koko Black这些年,我还真的今天才知道这间分店有二楼,察事儿于微的我这几年都白来了。坐在那旧式皮革扶椅上,还真是舒服舒坦。但是幸福只维持了30秒,都让女人给坐了。她们不赶我,绅士风度嘛,自动自发。。。


累得跟什么一样,回到家已经凌晨两点多了。。。冲了个热水澡,上下网回电邮,打算等头发干了就抱头大睡。查阅电邮信箱的时候,来了封刚结交网友的信,问我是否今晚曾到Koko Black。心想会是谁呢?直截了当的回了之后,就爬上床睡觉。那一刻,电话响了,有讯息,拿起一读,“I was the one pouring water”,原来他就是他。

躺在床上的我,时而合眼,时而半开,手指头按着键,讯息来回发送,约好了下午见面,接着我最后封讯息,“Are you gonna let me sleep now? ;O)”和他最后封讯息,“Opz… Sorry. Have a restful sleep. Nite.”,那已经是早上凌晨五点了,睡意早没了。。。但甜甜的。

时而相信,时而怀疑,真的有缘分这回事儿吗? 我不经懊恼。。。



Thursday, December 13, 2007


Finally... For God sake... I am done... I am so done with my studies!

I G R A D U A T E D!!!!!

La la la la la ya la da la da~ *wink wink wink*

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Human Rights Day.

10th December ---> Human Rights Day...

Reading various articles about the current human rights issues yesterday, I couldn't help thinking, what does it really mean? How does it translucent into actual action and something more than papers?

Headlines such as China Bad Records in Human Right, Human Rights Violation in Zimbabwe, Genocide in West Papua... flashed out every now and then on the news channel certainly help none to answer my question. How about some of the well developed western nation?

In a nut shell ---> 1. The Right to Equality 2. The Right to Freedom 3. The Right to Freedom of Religion 4. The Right against Exploitation 5. Cultural and Educational Rights 6. The Right to Constitutional Remedies.

Yes, indeed I found some clues, yet not quite… However after a deeper thought, I wonder do they practise it thoroughly? I have serious doubt.

I was reading the newspaper then ---> 1. US faked details and mislead the international community in waring Iraq 2. US tolerate the militaria dictatorship in Pakistan 3. Russia's strong fist action on Chechnya rebels 4. Portugal and Spain's strong position against separatists 5. Israel's arguable action on Palestine, alright I will say invasive...

It seems to me that human rights vary depending on situations. Rather than being a value or norm, it looks more like an excuse to intervene under the name of national interests and securities. Human rights with a labelled condition? Isn't it hypocritical?

Should human rights have to fit within a size 4 dress that those in power define it as perfect? I don’t know the right answer for that and I doubt even so. The day when everyone is happy is yet anywhere near.

I merely hope for the basic of the basics that poverty will be a word in history and no more war.

Road to end job hunting.

It is 1:23am in the morning and I am still awake. Not that I choose to, just that after 3 hours of struggling to fall into sleep, anyone would give up on sleeping for the time being...

It has been a long while since my last post, many things had happened and I am simply too lazy to write. Yap, no excuse. Other than my usual enjoying life, one thing that really been squeezing my brain was my job hunting.

After some efforts, *well... many will say that my effort is almost none, but still...* I finally got a graduate offer! Yeah, it should be something worth well to celebrate, but not quite so.

I had always intended to start my first career in Singapore, follow by Australia and then Malaysia. So when I applied for the Maxis executive graduate program, it was more like applying it for fun. The position description looks fantastic and why not. That was my one and only job application for Malaysia. Ironically, that become my first offer!

I could not start wondering was it a big joke or some meant to be challenge? I asked myself... As offer was made on spot, it pretty much left me with not much time to consider. As a result, I took the offer. Having said so, I still find it hard to accept the pay being puny when spend out of Malaysia *I know I should not compare, but...* and concern whether my skin color will a problem to climb the corporate ladder... ya da ya da... Nonetheless, that was the right thing to do at that moment, as that was the only offer on the table.

Having that on my mind for weeks, not gone... I went for some other interviews. Unexpectedly or should I say expected, *not so sure...* I got my first offer in Australia and something pretty good. I was given a place in the Telstra graduate program, one of the eight offers in Melbourne. On top of that, the salary package is great, I will be working in Melbourne CBD... It did not take me a second to think whether to accept the offer when the news was broken to me. I took it. Reflecting back, this offer fits exactly what I have been looking in Australia so far.

I am feeling great! Even after a week, I still feel that!

Things slowly fall into place and it is gonna be better. I deeply believe!

One thing I do learn about all this job hunting is that one has to be patience, patience and patience. It is just a matter of time. Having said so, it is never easy. Knowing it and accepting it, is totally two different things.

I hope my bed is calling now... I really need to sleep for an early morning and I ain't feeling sleepy. *cry*