Tuesday, July 03, 2007

His confession.

I was rather sleepy, not because I was bored, it was just the lack of sleep for consecutive days. As he was talking and I was listening, I couldn't stop rubbing my eyes and yawning. I was covering my mouth with my hand, trying not to make it obvious or rather not making myself impolite. I was simply too tired...

Daniel, "I like you. I really do like you and I want to see you more often."
Mel, "... Thank you..."

Was I surprised then? I wasn't. Was I uneasy then? I wasn't. Was I freaked out then? I wasn't.

Somehow, I know it all these while. I was prepared. I was calm and settle when he confessed. Why? I guess I am used to it now. After all, this wasn't the first time. Was I taking it maturer than before? Was I not interested at all? I don't know... What I did know, my heart wasn't beating fast and his was. Does that conclude anything? I can't answer.

Someone said this once, "I don't need one who makes my heart beats at 180 twenty four seven and leave me no space for a sip of fresh air. What I need is someone who sky rocketed my heart occasionally, leave me some space to breath and be me. "

I used to like a person that just thinking of him would make my heart beat so quick and I hardly could think anymore. I used to confess to a person that every words I said accompanied with my fast beating heart and I hardly could remember how to breath. However, both ended no where. Sad... Sad... I was really sad and hurt... Thus, will I want another one? I don't know... However, I do agreed with Mr Someone.

Will my heart ever beat for him? I don't know. Am I shielding myself not to get hurt? I don't know. What will happen then? I don't know.

I am writing about it now, does this say something? Only time will tell...


Anonymous said...



Mel said...

I guess it is just too early to say much at this stage...

Lingy said...

hiya melvin!!! how are ya ;) hope everything is goooooooooooooooooooodddddddd..was that 1, 2 or 3.. he he he