Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Oven baked Salmon.

I was reading this article yesterday and I couldn't stop laughing... It brought back some memories...

There was this day, in the middle of the night, happily I was and I decided to make some exotic dish, oven baked salmon with mango salad dressing. *Yummmmm~ It is great mannnn~*

I got fish seasoned on the foil, left it in the oven, turned up the heat at 200 celcius degrees for 20 minutes... *1 minute passed... 2 minutes passed... 3 minutes passed... ... ... 20 minutes passed... RIINNGGGGG!!!!!!*

As soon as I opened the oven... *Beeep BBBEEEEPPP BBEEEPPPp...!!!!!!!* Holy cow! The freaking fire detector alarmed! I quickly closed the oven, opened the balcony door, pulled a chair, grabbed a table cloth and started fanning towarded the fire detector. *All I had in my mind was the amount of $$$$ I had to coffer out if the ambulance and fire brigade came* Some miserable 5 minutes later, it stopped. For one moment, I was feeling lucky.

So, I went back to my Salmon. As soon as I opened the oven, the drama started all over again... When the alarm went off this time, I stood in front of my oven, hands on my stomach, swallowing my hunger and I didn't dare to open the oven.

There was my oven baked salmon with mango salad dressing, only difference was that the fish was already in charcoal form. *Geeeezzzz...*

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