Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sex to job

I was having my sip of vanilla ice cream and chocolate milk, under the fine blue sky. Then, a question popped out of nowhere and I almost spilled the milk. *Giggled*

Kenny said, "How can you ever be good in sex, if you never ever practice? On one side, the gals expect you to0 be good. On another side, they expect you to be a fresher..." ...

*Hmmm... Not so sure about the being fresh part...* What should I say... That kinda reminds me of my current situation. Not in the sex sense, but work sense. Looking forward to graduating soon, I cannot help feeling reluctant and a bit uneasy. After all, graduate = jobless.

Browsing through the Singapore job search website, I hardly found any suitable and stuck in dilemma. 90% of the Uni fresh graduate position required at least 3 years of working experience. *Sigh* I cannot help to wonder, isn't that a fresh graduate is one with no experience? When I say experience, I am referring to actual field experience. Or am I the only who thinks that way? Also, the advertisements remind me that the world does not need as much Master as I thought...

Then, I switch focus to Australia and find myself in a worse position. There isn't much job in my industry. I was desperate to a stage where I submitted application for HR Recruitment Consultant. *Lol* While I guess, I just need to be more patience and when the time is right, I will be there. *smile*

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