Monday, June 25, 2007

Revenge on pigeon

Pigeons by sunset

One thing that one will notice in Melbourne is the super duper fat pigeon. Unlike any other places, the chances of seeing a skinny pigeon is dim. Is it because of the weather, the gene, the food or...? I don't know. Nonetheless, the thought of grilling them always remain an option. However, good hearted me always obey to the buddha's teaching and self discipline keep me away from skinning the bird, till this very moment...

Just yesterday, I was sitting by the front of the cafe in Colin Arcade, having sip of chamomile... something fell on my hand... It was BIRD DROP!!!! @#$%&*! Of all the places... For God sake, it was on the hand and I could just wipe it off. If it was on my hair, dear God... save me!

I shall have my revenge one day. I am going to go to the local Chinese restaurant and order a roast pigeon!

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